The Matsuyama-Freiburg friendship association, which I belong to, offered citizens the opportunity to cook German cuisine of "Frikadele" and "Himmel und Erde" under the instruction of a local famous Chef. Frikadele is a hamburger patty in English, and I thought it was from the German city of Hamburg and naturally all German people should know that. However, "hamburger patty" seemed not to be understood in Germany. One more thing I admired. "Himmel und Erde" means "Heaven and Earth" in English. Can you tell what the dish is cooked from. The ingredients are apples and potatoes. Both are staple food for German people. "Himmel und Erde" is braised apples and potatoes. I wondered about the naming of the cuisine. The crops on and under trees are compared to sky and soil. Their way of thinking is great.
The ingredients were portioned to every 6 persons. When I noticed that, I was a little tense, because I'm not a good cook. I decided not to be directly involved with the part which has an influence on the taste itself. It might be good for me to be away from the important part of cooking and the dishes were delicious. On the way home, I dropped in at a supermarket and got some seasonings for my own next trial.
Frikadele ドイツのハンバーグ
Himmel und Erde ジャガイモとリンゴの蒸し煮
a hamburger patty ハンバーグ
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