The German Chancellor Merkel made the third visit to Japan the other day after 7 years' interval. The last two visits were for attendance at international meetings and not for bilateral talks with Japan, though she had visited China more than five times. This time, however, she came for the talk with Japan's prime minister and other political figures. No concrete statement was made and it has triggered a flurry of speculation about the content of the meeting.
Aside from the content, anyway, it is said that she had asked Japan to apologize to Korea about "Comfort Women" issues. It might be a fiction by a vicious politician, but she surely left a poor impression. She had been praised as well as Thatcher up to today in Japan, but actually,,,. I was surprised that she also had been brainwashed by Korean rumors.
Do you know about the IWG report by the U.S. Government? It was examined and submitted at great expense, as well as 7 years' time and labor. They couldn't find any evidence of Japan's abduction of Korean women. The report is a massive document and you'd better conduct a search using the key "comfort women". Japan's abduction of Korean women is only a distortion by Korea. I'd like to advise her not to step into the issue and to take care not to be trapped by groundless Korean stories.
aside from 〈米〉~はさておき、~は別として、~はこっちに置いといて、~を除いては
vicious 悪意のある, 意地悪な
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