The U.S.'s biggest air base in Asia is in Okinawa. It's Kadena Air Base, which I wanted to see on this trip. I was advised to drop in at the "Michinoeki Kadena" to view the overall appearance of the base. "Eki" of the "Michinoeki" means a station. Like a railroad station, Michinoeki offers drivers or tourists a rest stop across the country 24/7. Michinoeki Kadena was a 4-story building and its highest story was designed as an observatory, as I show you below.
There were several people on the roof with cameras and an earphone in an ear. They seemed to be listening to the radio contact between the control tower and military aircraft. When they pointed a camera towards the runway, airplanes took off or landed. I understood why they wore the earphone. In addition, I felt something curious in their behaviour as Japanese and they would be from China, I believed. I also felt uneasy about them and left there 10 minutes or so later.
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