The area in which my office is located is only a tiny village, but it has a long history as a key traffic junction, which connected the land-locked Ozu Basin and the Seto Inland Sea. One of its icons is the sculpture of Guanyin carved in the 10th or 11th century. It has been preserved elaborately, blocking out light. People can see the sculpture only on April 17th, the day of the local festival.
During lunch break, I went out for the festival. I was going to take pictures of the sculpture, but it was prohibited. Anyway, what people were waiting for most was the rice cake scattering. It is said that rice cakes have the power to summon happiness, so people will try to get more and more rice cakes. I got only three, but ate them during lunch time. Something good would happen or not?
Guanyin 観音様
key traffic junction 交通の要衝
land-locked 〈港・湾などが〉陸地に囲まれた;〈国・地域などが〉海岸線がない;〈魚が〉淡水にすむ.
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