We took a hotel in Hiraizumi City last night and had my regulation breakfast of rice and miso soup bright and early. We wanted to see the scenery of Matsushima, one of three famous Japanese scenic spots and then move to Tokyo, in which we were planning to have dinner out with our eldest daughter. Visiting Matsushima was the second time for me.
I had taken a rather long motorcycle ride to Matsushima 35 years ago from Okayama City where I had been at that time. The first picture was shot before the bridge leading to Godaido, and the 2nd was shot 35 years ago on the left side at the front in the 1st picture. I should take a picture on the same angle this time, but I didn't hit on the idea of doing so. It's regrettable. The person on the right with a yellow jacket is me and person on the left is now working as a veteran anaesthesiologist.
regulation《[名]の前でのみ》規定の, 正規の(regulationに形容詞があったことを初めて知った)
bright and early [成句] 朝早々と
Godaido (Google Pictures)
昨夜は平泉市内へ泊まり、朝一番で日本三景のひとつ松島を観光した。35年くらい前に当時住んでいた岡山からバイクを飛ばしてきたことがある。1枚目の写 真は五大堂Godaidoへ繋がる橋の手前で撮ったものだが、この写真の左手前で35年前に撮影した写真が2枚目である。20代前半のころの写真。同じア ングルで撮影すれば良かったと後でちょっと後悔。右側の黄色いジャケットが僕である。赤いジャケットの友人は今は広島県で麻酔科医として活躍している。