Next to Nirayama, I visited Shuzenji Onsen Spa. There are numerous spas in the volcano country of Japan, and Shuzenji is one of the well-known ones. A Nobel Prize for literature laureate, Yasunari Kawabata, loved and stayed there to write his novels. I have for long wanted to visit the spa and see its famous symbol of Tokko-no-Yu Spa, which dates back 1200 years. I strolled in the busiest street and dropped in at the Shuzenji temple after which the spa is named. The tomb of Yoriie Minamoto, one of the famous feudal lords in 12th century, was nearby, but I passed it due to the shortness of time. I was a little sorry, but I'll visit there again and stay for a night.
Tokko-no-Yu Spa 独鈷の湯(弘法大師にまつわる温泉)