After running down from Diamond Head and passing by the Honolulu Aquarium, I was able to see clearly the crowd gathering around the finish line. The second picture was shot near the aquarium against a backdrop of Diamond Head. The next picture was taken at a few hundred meters to the finish. I didn't think, however, that I finally had done it, and what's more, I wanted to run a little longer to enjoy sightseeing. The 4th and 5th picture show the last minute to the finish line. I saw the woman and her baby shown in the last picture on the way maybe in downtown. She must have finished the half-marathon with her baby in her arms. Miraculous!
By the way, let me explain about the shaka sign, the finger sign extending the thumb and the little finger from the fist. I saw a motorcycle policeman send me that, and some other policepersons and people along the route also sent that to runners. I looked it up on my Pc. It is often called "Shaka Brother", whose back of hand is shown to others, or "Hang Loose", whose palm of the hand is shown to. "Hang Loose" stands for gratitude, affection, greeting, respect, and so on. On the other hand, "Shaka Brother" means "Are you all right?", "Hang in there!", "Never say die!", and so on. Looking back at the scene in which a policeman sent me a shaka sign, he directed his back of hand to me. It must be cheering me. I should have shown my shaka in the last picture. Next time I join the marathon in Honolulu, I'm sure to show the shaka everywhere on the route.
ここでシャカサインについて書く。親指と小指を立てるあのフィンガーサインのこと。白バイ隊員がしていたし、途中の警備担当の警察官からも何度も送られてきたこのハンドサインを調べてみた。『Shaka Brother シャカ ブラー』や『Hang Loose ハング ルース』とも呼ばれるらしく、ハワイでは本当に頻繁にこのシャカのジェスチャーを目にした。
シャカには「アロハ」という言葉と同じように、こんにちは・さようなら・ありがとう等の挨拶、感謝、愛情、尊敬などの多くの意味があるそうだ。そして、厳密に言えば相手に手のひらを向けるのがハング ルースで「ありがとう!」や「こんにちは!」、「なんとかなるさ!」といったアロハスピリッツを象徴する意味合いが強いとされています。逆に手の甲をみせるのがシャカ ブラーでこちらには「元気?」「頑張ろう!」という意味があるそうだ。そういえば白バイ隊員は僕に手の甲を見せていた。この最後の写真でピースサインではなく、シャカサインをすべきだったと後日思った。近い将来走るつもりのフルマラソンではシャカサインを沿道で送りながら走ろう。