I had been thinking of the Pearl Harbor Historic Sites as the facilities for international visitors to testify how cowardly Japan was in the so-called surprise attack in 1941, but I was wrong. The Sites were for setting the distorted record down in their mind on one hand and for concealing the U.S.'s numerous war crimes on the other hand.
It dates back about 20 years ago that I knew about the submarine, Bowfin, which is now permanently moored at Pearl Harbor. After receiving my Ph.D., I was asked by the authorities to work at a small municipal clinic in a deserted village for three years. Luckily, then, I got to know a veteran surgeon who was more than 20 years older than me. He closed his clinic in Kobe after the big earthquake, and started working in the adjacent village. It was a great serendipity to know him. Though our ages were far apart, we clicked together and often went out for a drink. One day, I heard about his former job as a whaler's doctor over whale meat from Kochi Prefecture. When he was young, he had worked on a whaler, the 2nd Tonan Maru, for some time. His story was really interesting and fascinating. I'll show you his book, which was written at the suggestion of the Kobe doctors' association to which he had belonged.
By the way, the name of his whaler was the 2nd Tonan Maru. I asked him if there had been a 1st Tonan Maru, as I felt that "the 2nd" implied the existence of "the 1st." To my surprise, the first-generation Tonan Maru was sunk by a U.S. submarine and the same submarine sank a passenger ship which was taking more than 1000 schoolkids from Okinawa to mainland Japan to save their lives from the U.S.'s terrible indiscriminate attack. The passenger ship was the well-known Tsushima Maru (link). Finally 1476 were killed, including the captain and the other 23 crew members who had chosen to share the fate of the ship. The kids survivors of the attack were only 59. I knew about Tsushima Maru at that time. (The numbers of the victims are quoted from here).
After a while, I knew the name of the hateful submarine, Bowfin, and that it survived the war and was now moored at Pearl Harbor as a museum. I got to want to get on it and pee on it or kick a part of it. I got on board. I've seen inside a cutting-edge Japanese submarine. The inside of the Bowfin was way more cramped and the outer shell was thinner. The reachable depth would be at most 100 meters. In the cockpit, several kids were enjoying peering into the periscope by turns. When my turn came, I didn't feel like looking into the periscope, as I recalled that the periscope had got the image of Tsushima Maru, though it's not the periscope but the war that is responsible. I got mixed feelings in Bowfin after 74 years.
While I was writing this entry, I became eager to see him, the veteran surgeon, but he's already passed away. I'll visit his grave to report my act of kicking Bowfin, though I wasn't able to pee on it.(grin)
さて、先生が乗られていた捕鯨船は第2図南丸という。第2とあるからには第1もあるのかと尋ねた。この船は大変伝統のある船で初代図南丸は戦争中に米軍の潜水艦に攻撃されて沈んだという。更に先生は続けた。同じ潜水艦が沖縄から本土へ避難する大勢の子供達を殺したのだと。あの対馬丸である。対馬丸をこのときに知った。学童疎開船で1000人以上の子供を乗せていた。最終的に乗員・乗客合わせて1476名が死亡し、このうち対馬丸の乗組員は西沢船長以下24名が対馬丸と運命をともにした。一方で、生き残った児童はわずかに59名だった。(対馬丸記念館 http://tsushimamaru.or.jp/)