The reason why I chose Conrad was not only its free stay, but due to its location. There were several tourist spots within walking distance. Westminster Abbey, London Eye, Buckingham Palace and St. James Park and so on were in the range of 10 minutes' walk from the hotel. After having a coffee which was set in the hotel room, we went out.
The first destination, Westminster Abbey was temporarily closed to visitors and we decided to visit it again. We came across a political assembly which was held at Parliament Square Garden on the way to the opposite side of the Thames. They seemed to be the Remain camp and were calling for staying in the E.U.. The assembly was organized orderly and we didn't feel any fear about them. I don't know which is better for the U.K., Brexit or Remain, but I'm interested in the outcome of the Ireland Issue, though it's not my business. One thing, I just hoped that the British would become happier. By the way, I heard a politician-like person on the stage saying that the day of Brexit was March 29th, which was the birthday of my youngest daughter, who was staying in Oxford. What would become of her next birthday?
The statue of Churchill stood on the corner of the garden. He is naturally horrible to Japanese, but a great politician to the British at the same time. A road sweeper stopped near us. I presumed that the right-side wall would open when it worked. I wanted to see how it worked, but our time was limited and we headed for the London Eye. Big Ben was under renovation and surrounded by scaffolding and we weren't able to view its beautiful appearance.
camp [C] (意見や主義を同じくする) 同志, グループ, 陣営
Campaigners are split into two opposing camps. 運動家たちは2つの対立グループに分裂している.
scaffold (昔の) 絞首台;[C] (建築現場などでの) 足場;[C](米) (高層ビルの窓拭き作業などで用いる) ゴンドラ [同意] cradle(英)
go to the scaffold 絞首刑になる
ウェストミンスター寺院にまず向かったが、観光客には開放されていない時間帯だったので、出直すことして、テムズ川の対岸へ向かった。途中、EU脱退反対のデモがParliament Square Gardenで行われていた。とはいえ整然と行われており危険な雰囲気はなく観光には支障なし。北アイルランドの問題をどう折り合いを付けるのか、ちょっと興味あり。オックスフォードに住んでいる娘の誕生日がなんとBrexit Anniversaryとなるようだ。オックスフォードで迎えるどんな誕生日になるのかな?