I've been hearing of pocketalk™. In case you are wondering, it's a translator gadget. It seemed to be able to handle 74 languages, but I didn't have any interest in it at all.
However, I had to buy it the other day, because several Chinese came to often visit my office. They are from Dalian and are staying for two years near my office to work in some factories. They are ordinary people and can't speak in English or Japanese, naturally. They can ask for an official interpreter at every consultation, but it's costly. I'm learning Mandarin now for the next trip, but my Chinese skills are not enough to use in medical conversations. The pocketalk™ was an answer eventually.
This is surely helpful even in the consultation room, but I found that it's very handy also for learning languages. Chinese pronunciation is unique and difficult for non-natives, and learners don't know if their pronunciation is correct, or not. Yes, I'm using this for my learning. I speak to this in Chinese or other languages sometimes. If my pronunciation is correct, it answers back a correct translation in Japanese. I recommend this for foreign language learners.
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