I'll resign from my office on the last day of June after over 9 calendar years. My work is getting stuck in a rut recently and I'd like to start a new career. Turning 60, people prepare their retirement in general, but for me, I'm afraid that retirement would lead to a mental and physical decline. I'm still fit and decided to start a new life as an industrial physician. I'll write about my new job later many times, but I put it aside this time and will write about the gift from the clerical head.
The gift is shown in the following picture, a ballpoint with my name. I worked with him for more than 7 years. I was grateful for his words, "I wished I were able to work with you more!"
6月末で足かけ9年勤務した職場を退職する。仕事がマンネリ化、また新しいことに挑戦したくもなった。60歳を過ぎて、普通は引退を考える歳だが、そんなことをすると頭がぼけてしまいそうで、敢えて経験のない分野に挑戦することにした。新しい仕事の内容はおいおい書いていくことにして、今日は贈り物について書く。写真は事務長からの餞別。名前入り! この事務長とは7年以上一緒に働いた。もう少し一緒に働きたかったというねぎらいの言葉が身にしみた。