I've long wanted to meet a journalist and attended a gathering in Tokyo in which his supporters got together and encouraged him. His name is Noriyuki Yamaguchi. I highly evaluate his intellectual ability.
After he had reported about the Korean brothels during the Vietnam War in 2015, the left-wing organizations started to slander him. He was a little poor at preventing his opponents from entrapping him, and he had been under heavy fire from Japan's society. However, lots of sincere people shored him up and he got back on his feet and now he is working as a journalist. I was able to chat with him over a drink. His story was very inspiring and I'd like to continue to support him from now on.
After this gathering, I saw a long friend after about 20 years. This day was a really good day.
brothel 売春宿
slander [C,U] 中傷, 悪口; [他] 〈人〉を中傷する, の悪口を言う
entrap (フォーマル) …を陥れる, わなにかける;〈犯人〉 を(不法な)おとり捜査で捕まえる