I got up bright and early on June 9th. My wife couldn't walk long distances so I left her at the hotel and went out for a walk alone. I headed for Tyburn Tree which I wrote about in the previous entry on Bayswater Rd. A bright sky and a comfortable breeze made me feel uplifted. Every scene along the road attracted me and I took pictures and I'll show you some of them. The 5th and subsequent pictures were taken in the park.
I walked all the way around Marble Arch from Tyburn Tree and entered Hyde Park. I had been afraid to come across the homeless, but I didn't see any homeless person and was able to walk around as I wanted. I saw several joggers jogging on the way. I wondered, "Do they enjoy jogging here everyday?" There is a big park near my house. As it's located on a small hill, I feel reluctant to climb up to the park.
There was a signboard to warn of something. I found some words on the signboard that I know like "moth", "caterpillar", etc. I understood the warning vaguely, but I took a picture of the board to learn each word. The English words that I come across off guard can be easily absorbed in my mind.
There were some facilities for maintenance, all of which were historic and had the British taste. According to the description on the information board for visitors, those buildings were formerly a fire station or a police office. To my surprise, however, there was a private residence in the park. The mailing address would be "Hyde Park, London, U.K." wouldn't it? In the 3rd picture from the last, you can see the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain. If you take a close look at the last picture, you can see Kensington Palace in the distance. I got back to my hotel and after grabbing a quick shower, breakfast, then got out for today's main event!
uplifting (人を) 幸せな気分にする, 気持ち[精神]が高揚する(ような)
少し薄暗い時間に起床し、余り長い距離を歩けないカミさんをホテルに残して早朝の散歩に出発。ホテルからBayswater Rdを歩いて先の記事に書いたタイバーンの木へ向かった。快晴でとても気持ちの良い散歩となった。周辺の景色をカメラに収めながら歩く。5枚目の写真からは公園内部を撮っている。タイバーンの木から工事中のMarble Archを一周してハイドパークに入った。ホームレスが多くいるのではないかと恐れたが、そんなことはなく、気の向くままに歩くことが出来た。途中、数名のジョガーに出会った。毎日ここを走るのだろうか。さぞかし気持ちよいだろうなと思う。うちの近くにも公園はあるが、小高い丘の上なのでジョギングで登るのは気後れする。
何かに対する警告の看板があった。Moth とかCaterpillarとあったのでおそらくは毛虫に注意だろうと思ったが、後で確認するために撮影。こういうときに出てくる英単語はすぐに覚えることが出来る。
ハイドパークの中には公園管理のための建物があり、古くて趣きがあった。かつては警察署、消防署だった建物はイギリスの長い歴史を静かに物語っていた。そして、個人の家らしきものもあり驚く。郵便物はおそらく、『イギリス ロンドン ハイドパーク』で届くのだろう。終わりから3枚目の写真はダイアナ妃記念噴水、最後の写真では一番奥にケンジントン宮殿が見えている。ホテルに戻りシャワー、朝食、そして今日のメインイベントに向かう。