When I was allowed to test-drive a TESLA, I was requested to show my driver's license to them, which was naturally issued and valid in Japan. To my surprise, a Japanese driver's license was valid in Hawaii too. That might be only for a limited time, but I was able to drive the car without any legal procedure. Next, about the car insurance. They had taken the bodily injury and property damage liability insurance out, but not for motor vehicle insurance. If I damaged the car, I would have to pay compensation. However, they told me that I could use my drive-other-cars-endorsement, if I took the insurance out.
I got scared. The price of the test drive car was over 100,000 dollars. I had left all my cars' insurance in my old friend's hands. I hastily sent him an email to ask if I had a drive-other-cars-endorsement. My friend was also intimidated by my question. If I had damaged such a valuable car in Hawaii and asked him to handle the accident, ,,, Mr. N, who would read this article, so sorry to have made you confused.
He replied to me that I had already such an endorsement and he would confirm if the endorsement was valid in other countries or not, but before his report came to me, I began to test-drive a TESLA car. I was tense, but both backing the car into the parking spot and parallel parking were totally automatic! I didn't need to be worried about scratching the car. The car which I test-drove was Model X. I got an intense impression from the car. That was the autopilot! It would be in the far future, but I'd like to get one.
take sth out <保険など>に入る, <ローンなど>を組む
The couple took out a $200,000 loan. 夫婦は20万ドルのローンを組んだ.
bodily injury liability insurance 対人賠償責任保険《主に米国で用いられる》
property damage liability insurance 対物賠償責任保険
motor vehicle insurance 車両保険
drive other cars endorsement 他車運転危険担保特約
特約は付けているけど海外で乗る車に適応できるのかどうか調べてみると言ってくれたが、結果が来る前に試乗の時刻となったので用心して乗りましたよ。(^o^) しか~~し、バックでの駐車も縦列駐車もすべてオートマチック! 擦ったりする心配は無用だった。試乗した車はSUVのMODELXで、感想は素晴らしいの一言。加速は凄いし、これこそが自動運転!随分先になるだろうが、本気で購入を考えることにした。
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