Today is the last day of the open campus of Hokkaido University. I took A to the designated meeting spot and left her there. After that I rented a car as scheduled before. The car is a HONDA CIVIC HYBRID. I'm going to report on how this car is later.
I parked the car near Sapporo station to get our luggage which had been kept in a coin locker in the station. We left them in the locker this morning on the way to Hokkaido University because they were heavy.
While I was carrying our baggage from the station to my car, I found a beautiful building and it looked like a main sight-seeing point. Many tourists were around there. As soon as I threw our luggage into the car I dropped in at the building. The 1st picture is of this building. This is the former Hokkaido government office building. The inside was a kind of museum, in which the history of the exploration of Hokkaido was exhibited.
When returning to the car, a bling-bling bus was just passing by me. I took pictures quickly. The bus was a double-decker with an open roof. I chased the bus with my camera and returned my eyes to my car. Just at that time, a coach and horse was passing. This was a double-decker too. I took pictures again. I'll try these next time I visit.
bling bling (インフォーマル) (ラップミュージシャンなどがするような) 派手なアクセサリー
bling-bling 【形】 〈俗〉ブリンブリンな、派手な、見せびらかすための、けばけばしい