As soon as we sat at the table in the shop, I started to treat my foot with a band aid. When I tried to take off my socks, I felt a chilly glare from my daughter. I made sure that there was no customers around us and no one looking at my foot but she didn't allow me to treat my foot at my seat. I had to go into the restroom to treat my blister. It's not easy to be with teenage daughters.
The 2nd picture shows the main entrance of Hokkaido University and the next shows a family of mallards on Ono Pond. (
The 4th picture shows a sign post and when I found the signboard which the last picture shows, I laughed. Everyone would think something similar. People of Hokkaido University seem to have the same way of thinking as me. As I thought and wrote (, they enjoy barbecues here on the lawns. The signboard says, "Clean up after the barbecue, extinguish the fire and put the charcoal into this pot." The authorities permit barbecues here. It's wonderful.
glare まぶしい光, ぎらぎらした光; にらみつけること
mallard マガモ (水鳥)