I have just read a Japanese translation of an American book entitled "Mirror for Americans: Japan". It was originally written in 1948 by Helen Mears, who was an expert on oriental history and cultures in the prewar era, and came to Japan in the aftermath of the Great East Asian War to help the Allied occupation forces formulate new labor laws.
The main theme of the book was why Japan got into the reckless war. The book says, Japan could not avoid the war in terms of its relations with the Western powers. The powers used deceptive policies against Japan. With a calm but very objective reasoning, the author reveals that what Japan did was the same as what the powers had already done. She continues, Japan was the best student of modernization and Westernization, following what the powers showed decades before. That is, the student was Japan and the powers were the teacher in this sense. Japan's condemned actions in Asia were just the reflection of the Western powers themselves in a mirror. I guess that the title of the book was thus made.
I'm going to write about my father-in-law who passed away a few years ago. He had worked in a small southern island as a mechanic on fighter planes during the last war. He sometimes told me stuff about the war, and there were a lot of differences from what I learned in school and from his story. I didn't believe that he was telling a lie, but I didn't think that the history textbook wasn't correct either. Getting back on the right track, the author started the story with her flight between the U.S. and Japan. It took several days to fly between both countries at that time. She had to repeat stopovers on the islands in the Pacific Ocean, and consequently she saw native people's daily life. What she wrote about the natives was just the same as my father-in-law used to talk to me. I realized that the history textbook was not correct. http://kumo.typepad.jp/weblog/2007/01/my-father-gone.html
Understandably, General Douglas MacArthur, the omnipotent Supreme Commander in the occupied Japan, prohibited publishing this book in Japan. It was as late as 1995 that the book was translated into Japanese and published in Japan. The original version is said to have been criticized by American people and she was labeled as a defender of a vicious Japan.
She didn't mean to defend Japan. She questioned the justification of the Western powers which insisted that only Japan should be condemned in the modern Far Eastern history and also doubted the way of identifying Japanese people as traditionally belligerent, and the way of thinking that America, therefore, should educate them. Her research and analysis was dispassionate and fully acceptable to me.
International relations are mostly ruled by the logic of the strong nations, and it was clearly demonstrated in the Far East in the first half of the last century, I suppose. Japanese education is still also controlled by the U.S. view of history. There are so many things we have to learn from Ms. Mears' book.
Is it still too early to think about the causes and effects of the war serenely, beyond a dichotomy between winners and losers?
Understandably 当然ながら 無理もないことだが
departure 逸脱、離脱、背反、ずれ
serenely 穏やかに 落ち着いた様子で
dichotomy 二分 二分裂 意見の相違
belligerent 好戦的な
"Mirror for Americans: Japan" (邦題:アメリカの鏡・日本)を読み終えた。1948年に東洋の研究者であるヘレン・ミアーズによって書かれたものだ。彼女は大東亜戦争直後、法律の策定に関わるために来日している。
Hi, Matsu,
Thank you for your comments.
Posted by: KUMO | Sep 17, 2010 at 03:52 PM
i just stumble on here when i was looking for the reviews or (summery) of this book.
the reason why i was doing that is because people are in general do not know the fact about japanese involvement of ww2. and they just think japanese are the same as the nazi, which is not true at all.
i am glad that you read it. and if you ever have a chance to share the book with other people, please do so. please try to spread the truth if possible. i know it is difficult because people are in favor for the so called victims (meaning chinese and koreans) .
thank you.
Posted by: matsu | Sep 16, 2010 at 10:04 AM