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Mar 01, 2010


Thank you for your comment.

I'm always waiting for the opinions of man/woman of integrity like you.

I hope you'll read the literature on this website; and you'll be welcomed here.

If you have time, I recommend that you google for "backdoor to the war". You'll know who actually wanted to wage the war.

I think that Japan used to be as democratic as the U.S. before the war. Do you know "Civil Rights Act" implemented in 1964 "about 20 years after the war".

I believe it is true that some American politicians are using Toyota's problems in order to help US car manufacturers. Certainly that is wrong. However, it is clear that Toyota was also at fault to some extent. There should be a neutral investigation to get the facts objectively.

However, your comments linking the Toyota issue and the Pacific War are dishonest. You are clearly an ultra-nationalist who wants to glorify militarism. Before the war, the Japanese people had no rights. Peace-loving Japanese were tortured and killed by the Kempeitai.

You seem to want to restore a military dictatorship in Japan once more.

I really appreciate you for the comment.

By the way, are you a Japanese? Or, can you understand Japanese?

"...if the driver insists that the cause of the accident is attributed to the defect of the car, he'll win, even though he isn't right. That is to say, car manufacturers always have these weak points."

This is certainly true, especially if anyone discovers any kind of "defect" within a foreign owned car company.

According to local newspapers, some American conservatives outright refuse to buy "foreign cars". Most of whom are Republican or right-wing conservatives. They claim that "American-made" is the only way.

I personally own a Toyota Four-runner, and it hasn't failed me since. However, despite some loyal American Toyota car buyers, I would be prepared to hear about Toyota losses in the future. It may mean more unemployment for Japan.

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