I'm a member of the friendship association between Matsuyama and Freiburg in Germany. My second daughter lives in Freiburg now to learn German, and she will make a living with German skills in the future. Additionally, I'd like to enjoy trips in Europe and ski in the European Alps. That's why I'm continuing to learn German bit by bit. I record a German educational TV program and watch it repeatedly, but it is always passive. There's no chance to write and talk in German. If I had enough time regularly, I'd ask someone for lessons, but I can't now.
A few years ago, when I started learning Korean, I found a clever student from South Korea and asked her to chat with me once a month. It was really helpful for my learning Korean and it was a valuable opportunity. She was relatively free and I could sometimes ask her to see me even from the previous night.
By the way, a postcard came to me from the secretariat of the association today and it said that German conversation classes would be held for beginners once a week from June. The class fee is only 9 U.S. dollars per class including cakes and drinks. As you know from the cheapness of the class, it was one of the volunteer tasks of the exchange students from Germany. I applied instantly. The price is very reasonable and I can easily cancel the class because the pay system isn't monthly.
secretariat (官庁・国際機関などの) 事務局, 秘書課
Danke für Kommentar, Herr Klaus!
Ich bedauere, daß ich Schultagelang nicht studierte. Es ist schwierig, Vokabular zu erhöhen.
Posted by: KUMO | May 31, 2010 at 11:23 PM
Guten Morgen, Herr Doktor!
Also werde ich mal ein bisschen auf Deutsch schreiben. Schoen, dass Sie weiter lernen, und die "Unterrichtsgebuehr" ist natuerlich sehr guenstig! Schade, dass Sie nicht mehr Zeit haben, gerne wuerde ich Ihnen helfen (obwohl ich "etwas" teurer bin). Na, ich wuensche Ihnen noch viel Spass, bis dann wieder .......
Posted by: Klaus | May 31, 2010 at 08:28 AM