Battleships Yamato & Prince of Wales

Canada 2012

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Birthday Party

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My House

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« ALIVE | Main | Afterquake »

Mar 11, 2011


Thank you for your kind comment. I linked my blog to yours.

The spirit of working together...of unity...that is the spirit of Japan.

Here (USA), there is looting at the slightest excuse. It has everything to do with individuality at the expense of the group.

Japan's great strength comes from its people...the willingness to work toward group unity over that of individualism.

Japan has half the population of the USA in an area roughly the size of California. For the Japanese youth to wish to be like Americans would be the destruction of Japan. Your culture is what keeps you strong...keeps you unified. Individualism, at the expense of the group, is what is wrong with Americans...not something Japanese should wish to emulate (many of our movies and much of our music is counter culture).

America would be far stronger than it is now... would the spirit of Japan be inculcated into our culture.

The true measure of a person, or culture, is demonstrated through their actions, or inactions, in times of great stress...when autonomy of actions is ensured (as in great natural disasters)...when the only thing keeping them true to their beliefs is their integrity.

You have much reason to be proud of your countrymen.

We (Americans) have much to learn from their great integrity.

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