After a Buddhist monk had recited a sutra and we had visited his grave, we had a conventional party for remembering him. After the parents have passed away, the children become apt to scatter. This reunion, called "houji" in Japanese, is supposed to be useful to bind the relationship of relatives.
demise (フォーマル) 消滅, 終焉(しゅうえん); 死亡, 死去, 逝去
sb's untimely demise <人>の早すぎる死
recite [他] (人前で) …を暗唱する, 朗唱する; [自] 暗唱する; [他]〈一連の出来事など〉を口頭で列挙する, 詳述する
solemn〈表情・態度などが〉まじめな, 真剣な;《[名]の前でのみ》(約束・誓いなどが) 固い;〈行事などが〉厳粛な, 荘厳な
a solemn ceremony 厳かな儀式