After lunch at a nearby restaurant from Vatican City, we stepped into the City. There were so many people around the entrance of the Vatican Museum. Seeing the crowd, I thought we were lucky to be able to have lunch in a short time in the restaurnt which was near the City and never crowded.
We didn't have enough time to see all of the exhibitions and the guide picked out the important, famous and historic ones for us. I was overwhelmed by the solemnity of cultural assets. I was not allowed to use the strobe light in the Vatican Museum, and pictures taken there were blurred. On the other hand, I could take pictures freely in Saint Peter's Cathedral, but the Cathedral was so big and the light didn't reach the object of shooting. As a result, the pictures weren't good. The Last Judgement by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel was what I wanted to view most in the Vatican City, but shooting was prohibited. I was looking upwards for 10 minutes or so. The wall painting, which was drawn 500 years ago, was awe-inspiring in a dim light.
The single picture which was taken there and can be appreciated was the last picture, which is the Pietà in Saint Peter's Cathedral. It was a zoo around the sculpture and I shouldered my way through the crowd and managed to shoot it.
Route Map: Lunch --- DutyFreeShop
Sistine Chapel システィーナ礼拝堂
Saint Peter's Cathedral サン・ピエトロ寺院
nearby [形] 《[名]の前でのみ》近くの [副]近くに[で]
pick sb/sth ↔ out (多くの中から) <…>を選び出す
His story was picked out as the best by the judges. 彼の物語は審査員による審査で最優秀作品に選ばれた.[同意] select
blurred [形]ぼやけた, ぼんやりした, かすんだ.
The Last Judgement 最後の審判
awe-inspiring [形][正式]畏敬の念を起こさせる, 荘厳な.
Pietà ミケランジェロ(1475年-1564年)は「ピエタ」(Pietà 、慈悲などの意)を題材とする彫刻を生涯に4体制作している。ピエタは聖母子像の一種であり、磔刑に処されたのちに十字架から降ろされたイエス・キリストと、その亡骸を腕に抱く聖母マリアをモチーフとする宗教画や彫刻などのことである。ただし、完成したのは「サンピエトロのピエタ」のみ。
shoulder 〈人・物〉を肩で押す[突く];[~ one's way] 肩で押し分けて進む
shoulderone's way through the crowd 人ごみを押し分けて通る.
zoo [略式][a ~] ひどく混雑している場所, 混乱状態
The airport was a ~, with people going in all directions. 空港はあちこちへ行く人たちでごったがえしていた.
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