After the 4 hours' bus drive, we entered the central district of Roma. What most impressed me there was the method of parking along the streets. Numerous cars occupied the outermost lane, sometimes two lanes! Moreover, some cars were parked even on the sidewalks. Elderly citizens and challenged people with impaired eyesight, or who move with wheelchairs would feel inconvenient. When I said that Dr. Dieter Salomon would faint away if he saw the scene, the tour members erupted into gales of laughter. Dr. Salomon is the mayor of Freiburg, which was an extremely tidy and peaceful city in southern Germany. Then I wondered how they could start their car. There wasn't enough space both in front and back for going out. The cars must have scrapes.
At the point where we came to directly see the building of the Vatican Museum, our bus turned right and stopped in front of the restaurant, CASANOVA. The lunch was fusilli pasta and wine! It was nice. If you want to know the location of the restaurant, you'd better check the map below. The goal of the route was the restaurant.
After lunch, the guide, Mrs. Giuliano, joined our group for guiding in Vatican City. We took the bus for a few hundred meters and got off just in front of the Vatican Museum.
Route Map: Florence --- Restaurant CASANOVA
Vatican City[the ~]バチカン市国《教皇支配下にあるローマ市内の世界最小の独立国》.
outermost 最も外側の;中心から最も離れた, 一番はずれの(⇔innermost).
a gale of laughter 爆笑
fusilli フジッリ パスタの一種。らせん状に巻いた形のもの。
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