New British research suggests that elderly people who take up exercise in their 60s are three times more likely to stay healthy both mentally and physically than their inactive peers.
I'm 55 so I'm in time? (It's a joke.) As I wrote about the marathon trainings several times before, I started jogging as everyday exercise. Additionally, I'd like to acquire a good knowledge of Chinese and German as well as English, though I can't spare enough time. I enrolled in a language school in January and am going to attend private German classes twice a month. I've already met a fundamental standard of the national German level test (link), but it was not satisfactory at all. I decided to brush up my German skill just after returned to Japan from Germany last November.
never too late to ~するのに遅すぎることはない
take up exercise 運動を再開する、再び始める
more likely to ~する可能性が高い、~しがちである
inactive peers 活動的でない仲間 → 同年代の運動していない人たち
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