Battleships Yamato & Prince of Wales

Canada 2012

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Josei Touring 2011 Summer

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Birthday Party

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    50th Birthday Party 50歳の誕生日をネットの仲間が祝ってくれました。我が家でバーベキューをしています。


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Jan 24, 2014


Your blog is great.
I would like to come here sometimes.

Hi, Shiroi_Tora
Thank you for your information.
I wonder if it's because we Japanese are not good at English very much, we are apt to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. So I find such kind of information extremely useful. Thank you. 

Dear Shiroi_Tora

I'm very very very glad to know your opinion.

Please don't think that Caroline Kennedy speaks for the majority of U.S. citizens. We have a very liberal socialistic media which supports like minded non-thinkers. What your prime minister did was completely appropriate. He is honoring the brave soldiers who had to fight...and ultimately die. The same is for all countries. Believe me...most Americans are disappointed with most of our politicians...especially when they do, or say, incredibly stupid things. Caroline Kennedy was appointed by the party in power...not by the people. She lobbied for our present president (Obama - the lowest rated President in our history...and for good reason). She was rewarded with this assignment...and because of her name. There is no good reason as to why she is there.

I say again...America understands the honoring of the fallen warrior. It is not a political is the very least the leaders of a nation can do for all those of whom had died in a war for their nation...and for all of the survivors who lost a son, a brother, a husband...or a loved one. We, as Americans, wouldn't respect anyone who demanded their soldiers face possible death...and would then not honor them.

Most Americans, like most people of all nations, are so concerned with making a living for their families that larger concerns often escape us. We make up the silent majority. Most of us understand life...because we had to work for a living. We have common sense. Most conservatives in the U.S. are the ones with experience in life. Liberals are made up of the very young with no life experience...the very rich with no true life experience...the lazy who look for the promised government handouts...and sheeple...the ones who are simply looking for someone to do their thinking for them, so they may live life stress free (a parental figure).

Liberals are socialists at heart. Caroline Kennedy is a hard line liberal.
Our president is a are his appointees.

Whenever a discussion of world politics had come about with the various people I had known throughout life...anytime the Japanese were mentioned, nothing negative was said. The overriding thoughts of Americans of the Japanese (outside of the skewed views of the talking heads in the media) was pretty much the same...a beautiful country, a beautiful culture, and an intelligent, hard working, and highly organized people.

When people think of the word honor...and its deep meaning...the Japanese people are usually on the top of the list.

Most know nothing of the politics, but they do understand that a people cannot be judged by a war. We understand that the decisions are made by the few, and must be followed by the many.

Most are not concerned by the eating of whales or dolphins...unless, as you have pointed out...they are hunted to endangerment. We understand that those who kill...are subject to be killed (Whales and Dolphins eat life to sustain may we). It really is not a concern to most of us - except when it is used as a political tool of those in the media (who are controlled by a liberal elite...the ones who constantly attempt to tell others what to think instead of giving all of the known facts so we may draw our own conclusions).

Again, the American people are not disappointed with your Prime Minister or with Japan. We are embarrassed and disappointed in our representatives...both foreign and domestic.

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