A former university professor, who taught me pathology 3 decades ago, retired last year and set off on a 45- day overland truck tour in South America last December. He came back all in one piece a few days ago. He started his trip from Peru and reached Chile through Bolivia and Argentina. He uploaded pictures taken at the places he visited onto Facebook, so I looked for his present position on Google maps and enjoyed his pictures.
I read a story of another long journey in National Geographic Vol.12 in 2013. A journalist is still continuing his 7-year colossal journey, which started on Jan. 13th, 2013 ON FOOT! He left Ethiopia, in which human kind are said to be born, and from there it extended to all over the globe. He is tracing our far distant ancestors' route from Ethiopia to Tierra del Fuego in Chile. If you are interested in his journey, you can see where he is right now, here (link).
Both journeys are really wonderful. I'd like to visit various places on the globe in the near future.
overland across land, not by sea or air:
They plan to travel overland to China.
colossal (程度・数量などが) 膨大な, ばく大な, 途方もない, けたはずれの
trace 〈歴史・発展など〉 の軌跡をたどる
The book traces the dictator's rise to power. その本は独裁者が権力の座に就くまでの軌跡をたどっている.
Tierra del Fuego ティエラ・デル・フエゴ 南アメリカ大陸南端部に位置する諸島。
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