Peranakan people are the descendants of Chinese immigrants who moved to Southeast Asia during a few centuries after the latter half of the 15th century, where the European superpowers were dominant. Members of this community in Malaysia address themselves as "Baba Nyonya". Nyonya is the term for the women and Baba for the men. They produced a very unique mixed culture.
I was able to see their lives in this private museum, which was run by the descendants of the original owner, who had been prosperous by international trade. It looked like a common folk house from outside, but items of furniture were extravagant and some of them were imported from European countries. I wondered how rich they had been. I saw a cooler box which had been driven by "ice" practically right on the equator. It was beyond my speculation.
It was a really great time for me as I'm interested in modern history. The guide made accurate responses even about the custom of foot binding in the Qing dynasty. The value of trips varies depending on the quality of the guidance.
Standing in front of the European dinner plates of Medieval ages, he asked us, "How much price does Mr. Nakajima set on these plates and cups?" Who? Mr. Nakajima? All of the tourists including me didn't get him.
He continued, "How can you not know Mr. Nakajima showing up in the famous Japanese TV program 'Kanteidan'?" I was dumbfounded. How much did he study about Japan's culture? In the popular TV program 'Kanteidan' ordinary common people offer something to the TV show and the professional connoisseurs or evaluators set its price. Mr. Nakajima is the authority who estimates old pottery and porcelain.
An intense curiosity came up. When this guide lead the Chinese or English-speaking group, the guy must explain lots of items here in their languages. If his customer was only me, I would ask him to guide in English.
We took a short walk to the next destination, Cheng Hoong Teng Temple. The streets which were full of Oriental and Occidental mixed cultures evoked travel emotions. I came across an interesting museum on the way, which was a bodybuilder's house who had won the title of world champion. I wanted to see it, but didn't due to the shortness of time. There was too much to see in Malacca.
Peranakan プラナカンとは欧米列強による統治下にあった(現在のマレーシアを中心とする)東南アジアの各地域へ15世紀後半から数世紀にわたって移住してきたマレーシアに根付いた主に中華系移民の末裔を指す。
address …を呼ぶ
address sb as sth <人>を<…>という敬称で呼ぶ
The president should be addressed as "Mr. President." 大統領はMr. Presidentと呼ばなければならない.
foot binding 纏足(てんそく)
Qing dynasty 清朝
connoisseur [knəsr], (美術品などの) 鑑定家, (その道の) 通, 玄人
a wine connoisseur ワイン通
Cheng Hoong Teng Temple 青雲亭
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