I saw the word "jetty" in the flyer on the Diamond Princess. It said that people with the same surname lived on the same jetty and there were several kinds of jetties near the cruise ship terminal, and additionally you can see them if you want. I had seen houses on the water in the distance when I visited Kota Kinabalu last summer and am interested in their structure now. It seemed that the temperature was over 35 degrees Centigrade, but I walked to the jetties after seeing Fort Cornwallis. The way was straight and only about 500 meters.
The signboard at the entrance of the first jetty read that it was the Lin's jetty. I stepped onto the jetty. Houses weren't floating on the water, but were built on piles driven into the sea floor. There were electric posts and I saw an outdoor unit of an air-conditioner. Electricity seemed to be supplied, but there was no one on the wooden walkway. I got nervous to think of being abducted and turned back at about 50 meters from the entrance.
I moved to the entrance of the second jetty after a 70 to 80 meters' walk. This jetty seemed to be the Zhou's. This jetty had a parking lot and a bus was parked. The German group, whom I had met in Fort Cornwallis, were there.
They did me a favor to take me with them onto the jetty. Their guide spoke in German, but its speed was a little rapid for me and I was barely able to understand about 30% of the story. I was really grateful to one of them who summed the guide's story up in English for me. To tell the truth, I wanted to ask the guide about the sewage system, but I was too shy to do so. There were several souvenir shops around, but no pubulic restroom. I noticed there were no anglers, and the pollution of the sea was apparent to all of us.
The next jetty was the Lee's. They seemed to be ready for welcoming sightseers, but I thought it would be the same as other jetties I had seen 10 minutes before. Additionally the temperature became murderous and I decided to get back. In order to avoid the deadly heat, I took a taxi, though the distance was only 500 meters. The driver, however, wasn't able to understand English! It took a minute or so for him to know my destination. I had to stay in the non-air-conditioned scorching taxi, before he knew my destination and started.
jetty 桟橋, 波止場; 突堤, 防波堤
http://kumo.typepad.jp/weblog/2016/09/bashi-channel.html (水上家屋)
マラッカ海峡クルージング記: ジョージタウン観光 同姓一族の伝統水上家屋
桟橋の入り口に掲げられていた案内板によると、一本目の桟橋にはどうやらlín (林)さんの家が集まっているらしい。その通路へ入ってみた。家屋は浮かんでいるのでは無く、しっかりとした杭の上に乗っていた。電柱があり、電気も来ているようでエアコンの室外機もあった。ところが誰もいない。少し不安になった。こんなところで拉致でもされたら大変と50メートルほど入ったところでUターン、大通りへ戻った。大通りをさらに歩いて2列目の桟橋へ到達。ここには入り口横に駐車場が有り、バスも停まっていた。そしてあのドイツ人グループも来ていた。Zhōu(周)さんの集まるjettyのようだ。
彼らに近づき、一緒に歩かせてもらうことにした。彼らにはガイドが付いていたから。ただし、ガイドの言葉はドイツ語でしかも早口。3割くらいしか理解できず。まあそれでも旅は道連れ。僕の横にいた人がガイドのドイツ語をところどころ英語で通訳してくれた。コーンウォリス要塞跡での僕の片言のドイツ語での挨拶を気に入ってもらえたらしい。(^o^) この水上家屋のトイレがどうなっているのかガイドに尋ねてみたかったのだが、勇気がなくてできなかった。釣りをする人もいなかった。この汚さでは魚はいないのだろう。