When I ran in front of Kamehameha I's statue in the Honolulu Half Marathon last year, I heard of the Lei Draping Ceremony held in the Kamehameha week, and I became eager to see the ceremony. On our arrival day, I was sleepy due to jet lag, but I dropped in at the statue to see it. The ceremony was already going on.
Several groups stepped forward toward the statue with a huge lei and handed it to the assistants who were dressed in almost naked, but maybe sacred costumes. I didn't learn what their costumes meant, but their costumes and that of Sumo wrestlers were alike. I presumed that they might be specially elected to do religious services as Japanese sumo is weaved into the history of Shinto,Japanese traditional religion or ethics. Every group danced or sang, or both of them in front of the statue. I heard some songs of other than English. It might be the ancient Hawaiian song. They would praise the king. Leis were raised and hung using the hook-and-ladder truck. I was gazing at beautiful Hawaiian folks' costumes and their elegant dances.
hook-and-ladder truck はしご車