Who are the four men who are handed big leis from people, I wondered. If you are interested in Japan, you must have been alive to the resemblance between them and sumo wrestlers in Japan. Sumo wrestlers are often called on the occasions of Shinto ceremonies, because sumo is tightly connected with Shinto. These four men might be such people and Kamehameha I might be treated as their God or something.
Around the time when Hawaii was annexed into the U.S., the Japanese Imperial Navy was the strongest in the world along with its ally, Great Britain. Just a single Japanese naval vessel being there, the U.S. navy was
frozen. In such times, Kalakaua, the 7th Hawaiian King, wanted to become a relative of the Japanese Imperial Household by his niece's marriage, but in vain. He is said to manage to protect the independence of his Dynasty by the solid connection with Japan, but I assumed that it might not be the single reason. In my view, Kalakaua had a natural affinity for Japan, because Japan and Hawaii seemed to have something in common culturally or
from the folkloric perspective. Viewing the maybe-sacred men or listening to the local melodies, I imagined the era of the end of 19th century.
folkloric 民間伝承の, 民間に伝わる
There does seem to be a resemblance to sumo wrestlers.
Posted by: Peter | Jun 28, 2019 at 01:30 PM