The ship proceeded to the west all day long today. We had breakfast by the window of the Pacific Ocean side, while viewing the vast expanse of the ocean. The dishes were delicious, so I had a good appetite. To be honest, my wife wondered at my appetite, because we had a snack late at night in our room, taking a few dishes out from the restaurant after the magic show. One bottle of wine per person was permitted to bring into the ship, so we had two bottles. Holidays when I don't mind clocks are great! I was never called from my office. I was out of reach of the smart phone network in the first place.
The weather was clear and we took a walk to help digestion on the 7th deck where we were able to walk around the ship. The walking distance was about 600 meters per cycle. Then, I went swimming and my wife went window-shopping for some time. After that, we enjoyed several kinds of performances of various instruments, like a piano, violin, flute, and so on.
Getting back to the central hall, the champagne tower was already built and its pouring had started. I recalled our first cruising trip during which we tried to pour for the first time in our life. It was two years ago. The picture at that time was really nice and is placed now in the living room of my house. Then we watched a movie at the last time slot of the day under the sky full of stars wrapped up in a blanket. Adjacent bars offered soft drinks and pizzas for free, i.e., included in the cruise fee. The breeze on the ocean was a little bit cool, but comfortable.
終日航海の日 朝食は太平洋側の窓際で大海原を見ながらいただく。美味しいので食が進む。昨夜はあれほど食べたのに、よくまた食べられるものだと驚く。昨夜の記事には書いていないが、レストランから3品ほど持ち出して、自室で持ち込んだワインで2次会。カミさんが呆れていたことは書くまでもない。何時に起きても良い休日は最高。職場から呼び出されることもない。元より携帯電話は通じない。
食べ過ぎたので、7階のデッキを散歩。船の周りを一周するとやく600メートル、そしてプールへ。さすがに泳いでいる人は少なかったが、食べてばかりでは太るので、、、。デッキに立っていると寒いけどプールの中やジャグジーは快適。他の乗客と話をするのも楽しい。ウインドウショッピングをしていたカミさんと合流していくつかのコンサートをハシゴ。中央のホールへ戻ってみるとシャンペンタワー! 2年半前にはこれに参加したなあとなつかしく思いだした。そのときの写真は良い記念になった。我が家のリビングに飾ってある。ショーの後は最上部のデッキで映画鑑賞。満天の星空の下、毛布にくるまって、無料の(クルーズ料金に含まれている)ピザと珈琲を楽しみながら。太平洋上の風が心地よい。少し寒かったけれど。