I arrived at a Japan-style inn. Judging from its location, obsolescence, and structure, the inn would be fairly old, but its location was great. Some inns around my inn were closed. It might be due to the suppression of tourism by the outbreak of the Wuhan virus. There was the bay of Yobuko just in front of the inn and I saw lots of squid-fishing boats. A decent ship in the picture was a packet boat connecting small islands off the coast of Yobuko. Looking at the map, there were lots of tiny islands near Yobuko and I didn't know anything about those islands at that time, but I knew a great real history on those islands on the next day. I'll write about it later.
By the way, I have to write about the great dinner. Before that, I felt that the inn served a minimum of what they should offer in normal conditions with a minimum number of workers. The Wuhan virus also hit this inn and they seemed to manage to overcome this harsh reality. Additional orders were not accepted. They would buy in just necessary and sufficient food. Our room was tidy but simple. The time schedule of bathing was a little restricted. HOWEVER, the raw squid was really delicious. I've never seen a translucent squid. How fresh! That's all about why we were in Yobuko. Some squid were moving though their body was cut into small pieces. Those tastes made me feel like visiting Yobuko again.
buy in 買い付ける、仕入れる
simple 〈デザイン・装飾などが〉 シンプルな, 簡素な