I left for Heathrow Airport by a bus named "Airline", which had confused me on my arrival in London. The weather was nice and I enjoyed the peaceful scenery on the way. I spent wonderful days and was happy to see my daughter's brilliant life. She is still newly-fledged, but I'm very happy to know her to be of assistance in the health of people in the U.K.
I had something that I'd like to try to use on this trip. It was a "Priority Pass". This card has been delivered every year in the past several years, but I've not used it, nor was I even interested in it. A British Airlines for Tokyo starts from terminal 5 and I visited Plaza Premium Lounge at terminal 5. Presenting the card, my wife and I were allowed to come in the lounge "for free". We could spend a relaxing time there until departure. We were lucky to carry the card.
The lounge was a little cluttered, and I wished that they would keep things neat, but this was maybe due to the customers. Anyway, I enjoyed some new dishes including several kinds of scotch whisky produced on Islay. The Bowmore and Laphroaig never run short in my home. Though both have a unique smack, which smelled bad and terrible at first, I'm addicted to them now. I tasted all of the offered scotch whiskies, maybe five to six kinds. I arranged them in small batches in a line on my table and started to drink from the end, minding glances from others. (grin)
full(y)-fledged 一人前の, 本格的な
new(ly)-fledged 一人立ちしたばかりの.
cluttered 〈部屋などが〉 散らかった, 雑然とした
neat きちんとした, こぎれいな, こざっぱりした
ラウンジは日本のエアラインのラウンジと比べると少し雑然としていた。もう少し、整理整頓が出来れば良いのにと思ったが、これは利用者の責任かもしれない。写真に示すように料理やデザートを戴いたが、いろいろなスコッチウイスキーを試すことが出来た。なかでもアイラ島のものが数種類置いてあり嬉しかった。我が家では、Bowmore, Laphroaig を欠かすことはない。あの独特の香りがやみつきになる。5~6種類のスコッチウイスキーを少量ずつ並べて味比べをした。周囲の目が少し気にはなったが、、、