Battleships Yamato & Prince of Wales

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Josei Touring 2011 Summer

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Mar 20, 2008


china should stop cruelity to animals

Hi, Mr? or Ms? 王琦WangQi

Thank you for your comment. You are a man or woman of integrity, I guess.

I hope you'll know what China is doing not only in Tibet, Uighur and Mongolia, but also in African countries, Mideast and all over the world. When you have time, please check the following URL:
Can you answer these questions? (movie)

And, lastly, very thanks again for visiting my blog and besides leaving a comment, but I don't have enough time for chatting. I'm really sorry!

I Hate China? How much have you learned about China ? How many faults have you got from those cheater? You can chat with me about these, stop making a rumor, please.
MSN: [email protected]
Let's talk and tell me where we are Paragraph2 ...

Did you see 3 links? After seeing the links, can you say the same thing?

I hope you`ll read other entries "I have China #1 and #2". If you need other evidence, I have numerous evidence. I think my opinion is really objective. Do you know inside China?

Hi, I sincerely hope that you have a bigger and open heart. Your opinion is not objective neither it is free of bias but prejudice caused by your personal feelings.
I'm a Chinese born and educated in Singapore and I have many japanese and Chinese (from China) friends too. I have seen many articles with subject like "Hate Japanese" or "Hate Chinese" but I still do understand why there is so much hatred when all of us is living on the same earth. Regards

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