Henoko is a small and originally serene village located in the middle of Okinawa, though it holds Camp Schwab, one of the U.S. Marine bases. I wrote about MCASF (Marine Corps Air Station Futenma) in the previous entry and now its relocation plan to Henoko is well under way. It's the decided policy of the Japanese Government, but the Chinese communists dare a group of people to interfere with the plan. Almost all of them are recruited outside Okinawa and are engaged in various illegal activities in Okinawa with a respectable pay.
Off the coast of Henoko, the Government will build the Air Station with two long runways as the replacement of MCASF, and the seabed investigation has just started a few months ago. It must be a favorable plan for ordinary people to move the Air Station from the populated city to a deserted area on the sea, but it would be unfavorable for China to modernize the U.S. Marine base.
I wanted to see and talk with the activists, but I repressed the urge to get out of the car, following my wife's appeal not to respond to ugly jerks. They were violent like fierce animals. My wife's opinion was acceptable. I gave up taking pictures of them.
Henoko has a beautiful serene sea. I'd like to preserve it as it is, but I believe the construction of new runways is inevitable as long as China exists.
1 (利点・欠点などが) はっきりした, 目立った[同意] distinct
2 (意見などが) 断固とした, 確固たる[同意] firm
dare sb to do sth ~するようけしかける
respectable〈結果・成績などが〉まずまずの, まあまあの
jerk someone, especially a man, who is stupid or who does things that annoy or hurt other people
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