I left the JSDF quarters for Osorezan. When I climbed up north into the mountains with my bike, I was quite suddenly attacked by the strong smell of sulphur. At the next moment, I ran over the pass in the forest and saw a beautiful lake with some desolate terrain beyond the lake which jumped into view. Osorezan is well known as one of the three major holy sites in Japan. The mountain features a mystic landscape with a beautiful emerald green lake and desolate wastes. It is believed that the spirits of the dead gather here. Osorezan is also famous for its Itako or spiritual mediums. These people are said to be able to call up the spirits of the dead to communicate with them. I walked around. The steam was coming out of the ground all over the place. They would be selling eggs boiled in the steam if in Kyushu. I couldn't find them. I expected them, so I was disappointed.
By the way, August 15th is the anniversary commemorating the end of the Greater East Asian War. I found the monument to the War victims. I offered a prayer. We will never make the same mistake again.
desolate 〔土地などが〕荒れ果てた、荒涼とした
terrain 地形、地勢、地域、領域、範囲、分野
beyond the lake 湖の向こうに
three major holy sites 三大霊場
mystic 秘密の、神秘的な、秘教の、秘伝の、不可解な
waste 荒れ地
spiritual medium 霊媒
the Greater East Asian War 大東亜戦争
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