After coming out of the Tower of London, we walked over Tower Bridge. We wanted to see the bridge in detail, but the sightseeing tour inside the bridge was already closed, so we just walked on it, but I was happy to visit one of the London's landmarks. While we were walking along the Thames upstream, I found a weird object, which I didn't know how to express in English. According to my Siri, the area seemed to be called Hay's Galleria and the object was called "The Navigator". That apparently was a masterpiece of an artist, but I wasn't able to understand it. Then, we came across London Bridge. I recalled that my daughters were often singing "London Bridge Is Falling Down". One day, a long time ago, I talked to my eldest 3-year-old daughter that I would take her to London to see London Bridge. Then she replied, "Papa, don't you see? London Bridge has fallen down, and disappeared." Hearing the conversation, my deceased father-in-law laughed at me, saying "You are being teased by only your 3-year-daughter." Such a funny story came up to me.
I walked over the bridge, telling the story to my second daughter. As so many people were moving in the opposite direction, we managed to dodge through the crowd. Thanks to the Google Maps, we successfully got to
Monument tube Station.
London Bridge Is Falling Down ロンドン橋落ちた 童謡
ロンドン塔を出たら目の前にあるのがタワーブリッジ。ここについてもゆっくりと見てみたかったが時間切れで内部は見られなかった。橋を渡り反対側へ移動。川岸を歩いていると、妙な彫刻を見つけた。僕にはこういったものを理解する審美眼はない。調べてみるとかなり有名なものらしい。タイトルはThe Navigatorsというらしい。この場所はヘイズ・ギャレリアHay's Galleriaというらしい。これもまた調べてみると、長い歴史のある観光地だった。先を急ぐので彫刻だけを見て更に歩く。すると、ロンドン橋にさしかかった。『ロンドン橋落ちた』のあのロンドン橋である。この歌は長女が好きだった。よく歌っていたので、大きくなったら連れて行ってあげると話すと、「でもお父さん、ロンドン橋は落ちたからもうないんでしょ」と反論。それを聞いていた亡き亡父が大笑い。3歳の子供にからかわれていると、、、 そんなことを思い出したながら橋を渡り、Monument 駅へ到着。
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