When I reached the Pantheon, I realized the reason why the local guide urged us on at the previous spot. The Pantheon was rebuilt 1900 years ago and is perfectly preserved, and in which the tombs of two big figures were placed: One was the tomb of Raffaello, and the other was of Vittorio Emanuele the Second. I shouldn't need to write about Raffaello. I didn't have preliminary knowledge about the Pantheon, and this encounter with his tomb really surprised and moved me. I uttered in an exciting and low tone "I'm standing just in front of his tomb." I didn't write about the second person, Vittorio Emanuele II in the previous entries, but I actually visited his memorial hall before lunch. He was the key player for the unification of Italy and the first king of the Kingdom of Italy. He would be one of the most cherished persons for Italians.
The next spot which we were led to was Piazza Navona, where we could see various types of sculptures. While looking at those sculptures and several stalls around, I took a walk with my daughter. It was to my regret that I wasn't knowledgeable about western sculptures. We parted from the local guide, Guiliana here and got back to our hotel. Her guidance was really nice.
Today's dinner was at the restaurant called VINO E CAMINO and the main dish was saltimbocca, which is one of the principal local cuisines of Rome and I ate it for the first time. It went well with wine.
Route Map: Lunch - Hotel
Route Map: Hotel - Dinner (partially) The end point is the location of the restaurant.
Pantheon ローマ市内のパラティヌスの丘に建造された神殿。元々は、様々なローマ神を奉る万神殿。
urge sb on <人>を駆り立てる, 励ます
Urged on by the crowd, the Italian team scored two more goals. 観衆に励まされて,イタリアチームはさらに2ゴールを上げた.
should まあ~でしょうね、おそらく~でしょう(丁寧な感じや謙遜した感じを表す)
I should say she is over fifty. 彼女は50を越えているでしょう。
I should hardly think so. そうは思いませんね。
I should like to do = I would like to do = I'd like to do
cherish〈信念・友情など〉を大事にする;(フォーマル) 〈人・物〉を大事にする, 大切に育てる [同意] treasure
cherish a hope/an idea/a dream 希望[考え,夢]を抱く
cherish a/sb's memory (<人>の)思い出を大切にする
Piazza Navona ナヴォーナ広場
knowledgeable 知識の豊富な, 精通している
saltimbocca or saltinbocca サルティンボッカ:ローマを代表する料理で、仔牛肉・鶏肉・豚肉などに、生ハムとセージを乗せたり並べた料理で、単品あるいはワイン・オイル・塩水のマリネと共に盛り付けられる。この料理の最も有名な調理法は、ローマ風サルティンボッカで、薄切りの仔牛肉に、プロシュット(または生ハム)セージの葉を巻き上げたものを、マサラ酒や白ワインとバターで仕上げたものである。(Wikiより)
2つめの地図のルートの終点がレストランの場所。停車したバスの右側ばかりを探し、我らが晴香ちゃんが旅行中に一度だけ真っ青になったあの場所です。レストランは道を挟んだ反対側(左側)でした。(^o^)地図を拡大してレストランを探してみてください。レストランの名前はVINO E CAMINOです。バスに乗るときにGPS受信機の電源を入れ忘れていたのでホテル周辺の記録ができませんでした。(^_^;)
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