The picture shows my hat which I've usually carried on overseas trips for the past 10 years. I bought it about 30 years ago, but I don't remember where I bought it. Somewhere in Canada, maybe. The other day, I found that I had encountered difficulties on the trips when I didn't bring my hat. When I was almost injured heavily in my leg in Whistler due to the breakage of my ski boots (link), I didn't have this hat. I'll leave for Malaysia tomorrow which will celebrate its 59th Independence Day on Aug. 31st. during the increasing concern over terrorism. I made up my mind to carry this hat so that my luck wouldn't change.
I attached three pin badges on the left side of my hat as you see in the picture. The left one is the crest of the German City of Freiburg, and the middle one shows that the bearer is one of the supporters of the cause of retrieving abductees from North Korea. The right one was put on today for extending dearness to people in Malaysia.
A program of the International Lions Club did me a favor and sent a Malaysian schoolgirl to my house. My family heard about her country and became interested in her country. My wife and I were going to visit Palau or Switzerland in this summer vacation, but changed the destination to Malaysia. I'm going to write about my trip here after coming back to Japan. Look forward to my travelogue.
crest 《通例単数形で》(波の) 波頭, (丘・山の) 頂上, 山頂; 紋章
the royal crest 王家の紋章の図柄
travelogue ((米)travelog とも) 旅行談, 紀行映画, 旅行番組
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