This trip had been planned since May among three people on Facebook, in which the choice of the first hotel was my role. I wanted to stay at an unusual inn, not an all-too-common one. After deep deliberation, I chose "Kitakamisou". A wide variety of people were staying at the inn. According to its landlord, Tomakomai City, in which Kitakamisou is located, is an industrial city and lots of business persons were transferred there from out of Hokkaido. The inn's customers were mostly such engineers. The atmosphere of the inn was just like that of a college dormitory. The inn bill was considerably low, but the spa was great. The hot water from underground was directly brought into the big communal bathing area. Though it had a gorgeous spa, the inn's energy bill wouldn't be so high because of its natural resources. The meals were everyday home-style dishes and really reasonable. I liked this inn and I could stay there next time.
The bright morning sunshine woke me at 5 o'clock. I was so delighted, but the weather chart on my tablet told me that the weather would get terrible soon. The clouds on the map covered all over Hokkaido except the narrow area over Tomakomai City. We were just under an exceptional area. When we were in the mess hall, it started raining. As soon as we finished breakfast, we went out, but another motorcyclist group was still at a standstill.
all-too-common 平々凡々
deliberation 熟考, 熟慮, 思案(careful thought)
industrial city 工業都市
苫小牧の宿は北上荘という旅館?下宿屋?寮? なんとも珍しいタイプの宿でした。風呂は間違いなく温泉で快適でした。同宿の人たちですが、若い人から年配までいろいろな年代の人がいて、立派な入れ墨の入った人も。洗い場で隣に座ったりしたものだから湯が散らないように気を遣いましたが、あまり面倒な感じの人ではなかったです。学生風の人、技術者風の人、我々のような旅をしているのではなく、下宿しているようでした。さて、朝、明るい光が差して目が覚めたのですが、天気予報では大雨、、、さてどうなりますか。ツーリングをしている別のグループは今日は動かないことにしたようです。
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