There's no direct relationship between the title and the content in this entry, but lots of people recall environmental issues from the name of this city at present. I'm going to write my personal opinion about the issue.
In my daily work in the cold season, I recommend patients to take a bath after warming the bathroom in order to prevent any unexpected incident in the tub.
Fill the bathtub with hot water at first, and keep the shower flowing for some time to warm the room. However, the reverse of this procedure is unreasonable. I mean, warming the air of the bathroom for the purpose of heating water in the bathtub is ridiculous and meaningless. The water's capacity for holding heat is several thousand times larger than that of the air.
If you see this phenomenon from the global view, Japan is surrounded by the sea and ocean currents and is the least warming-sensitive country among the developed countries. Should such a country lead the movement for preventing warming? In your daily life, if the most influential person doesn't do anything, it's nonsense that the rest should struggle to do something.
We are told fossil fuels will run dry in about 100 years or so. If Japan saved it and human beings could use it for 10 more years, it's total nonsense. The fuel that Japan could save would be utilized by some other countries. It mainly goes to China and leads to the enhancement of their military power, and lastly Japan would be occupied by them.
The issue of global warming is apparently imputable to China and the U.S. They are staging a deceptive drama, and Japan has to see into it to keep the energy and the technology from them.
Copenhagen コペンハーゲン
tub 浴槽, バスタブ, 湯船 =bath, bathtub(英)
fill the bathtub with hot water 浴槽に湯をためる
environmentally sensitive 環境変化の影響を受けやすい
current in the ocean / ocean current 海流
fossil fuel 化石燃料
run dry in __ years or so _年くらいで枯渇する
impute sth to sb (フォーマル) <罪・責任など>を<人>に負わせる, 転嫁する, <性質など>を<人>に帰する
deception 欺瞞, だますこと, 詐欺行為
stage a deceptive drama 欺まん劇をでっち上げる
see into(人の本心などを)見抜く
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