Our next destination was Fern Grotto in Wailua River State Park. It was literally a fern covered lava rock grotto located on the fork of the Wailua River. This grotto was framed as a holy site for ancient Hawaiians a long time ago, but it was used for ordinary peoples' weddings until recently. After a big hurricane in 1992, however, it has been on the brink of collapse and the tourists weren't allowed to approach the cave. Our guide listed up the Japanese celebrities who celebrated their weddings here and I knew some of them. There was no access road to the grotto and we utilized one of the boat tours which were given by several boat companies. The breeze blowing on the boat going up Wailua River in the jungle was really comfortable.
Leaving the romantic attraction, our car stopped by Opaekaa Falls on the way to the airport, but the falls were ordinary, nothing special to me. I wanted the tour company to be more concerned about the time distribution. When our minivan passed the biggest spiritual ruin of ancient Hawaiians, I pointed it out and asked the guide about that, and then she started to talk about the ruin, "Heiau". I wondered if the guide might be slighting her work.
Though I didn't see even a half of the island, I had to leave the island. Kauai island was a very rural and peaceful place. The lives on the island would be stress-free, but if I lived on this island, this island would get old soon. There remains ancient nature in the northwest area of the island. If you want to visit there, it takes a week on foot and you have to charter a boat or a chopper. I get seasick in a small boat and am acrophobic. What can I do? Anyway, I wish I could be back on the island again.
fern シダ (シダ目の植物の総称)
grotto 小さな洞穴, 洞窟
slight to offend someone by treating them rudely or without respect:
River Tours https://theta360.com/s/q1rhWfQc4mdFlw6Kji8dE8SaO
Wailua River State Park Fern Grotto https://theta360.com/s/bkT07OHD7fu0z1J8OZrFpf2mG
jungle https://theta360.com/s/rLXNjaeeqrDCxNF8G83vJoUBU
jungle2 https://theta360.com/s/fAYtQ5NEM6D0uTaoZipOayFNI
Fern Grotto https://theta360.com/s/kxZNgMrdNUBtFpjT43k4A57Ym
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