We visited Pearl Harbor on the 11th. I have a personal view about Pearl Harbor, but aside from it, we paid a short silent tribute to the war dead at the USS Arizona Memorial, which had been built over the sunken battleship Arizona in the harbor. After viewing the short video on the attack by the Japanese Navy, we got on a boat which connected the port to the Memorial. Bodies were apparently left in the sunken battleship and we refrained from taking snaps in a buoyant mood in the Memorial and bent down our heads.
We got into the submarine, USS Bowfin next. I could imagine the hardships of the crew's work judging from its narrowness. This submarine attacked and sank the passenger ship at the point of a few hours to its destination which was carrying close to 1000 primary school kids from Okinawa to Nagasaki to avoid the war. It was one of the vessels which most Japanese people had hated, but the crew would have been also struggling to beat Japan. Why did Japan have to fight the war? Where is the true reason? Though we have lots of evidence, this issue isn't closed yet.
Then, we got on a bus to the USS battleship Missouri Memorial, on which the surrender document of the war was signed. They call the deck on which it was signed "Surrender Deck." I didn't feel comfortable. If you wage a war, you surely win the war at any cost. This ship retired once, but it was called up for the Gulf War. This battleship participated actively in World War II, but it has the launch devices for Tomahawks. It tells its participation in the Gulf War after the magnitude of remodeling. The yellow circle in the following picture shows the site of the signature.
The battleship Missouri had a scar from a Kamikaze attack. A detailed description was set at the site. The body of the pilot seemed to have been taken apart into two pieces. He was respectfully buried at sea by the crew of USS Missouri. The identity of the pilot is known and he was only 20 or so. Why did he have to do the suicide attack called the Kamikaze attack. Thinking like those, I put my hands together.
in a buoyant mood 浮かれた気分で
sign a surrender document 降伏文書に署名する
at any cost 何が何でも
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