Being back from the USS Arizona Memorial, I dropped in at the archives whose entrance read "The Road to War". My overall impression about the facility was that it was full of deception and hypocrisy. While I was inside, I got sick with anger. The wrath made me forget to take pictures at some point. I'll show you their deceits in the following several entries. Firstly, when and why was "The Road to War" paved. In the previous entry, I uploaded a picture of the panel which read that the U.S. had unwillingly gotten involved in World War II. That was also an example of their lies, though the U.S. and Japan didn't share any big issues to trigger the war in those days.
The tour route got started with the explanation of the social condition of the year 1941, just before the attack. The panel read that Japan invaded the Chinese continent and headed for the U.S., but Japan was just a follower of the U.S. (From "Mirror of Americans: Japan" by Helen Mears) Did they forget that they invaded Hawaii?
I was extremely dissatisfied with this section. They didn't tell about the Flying Tigers, which were sent from the U.S. to the Chinese Democratic Party. It was lots of up-to date fighters and skillful pilots to assist Chiang Chung-Cheng. It's obviously a violation of International laws for military personnel from other than countries directly concerned to engage in the battle.
It's natural that war in general isn't good, but if it's conducted under laws, it's legal. The international law of war solemnly exists. War is only a means of diplomacy. The Flying Tigers violated the laws in time of war. What's more, FDR had already given the green light to the bombing plan against Japan before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The cutting-edge bombers, which were sent to China, were called Fortresses, however, they were fragile to zero fighters. As Churchill wanted those bombers and there were no zero fighters in Europe, the bombers were sent to Europe as a priority. That's why the bombing on Japan was not actually done. The war between Japan and the U.S. had already started before the attack on Pearl Harbor. If "The Road to War" was paved, it was more than 6 months before the attack. Why had Japan and the U.S. to fight each other? The racist, I mean FDR, hated Japan. This was a big factor, I think.
Pictures show a model of a Japanese Aircraft Carrier, whose name I don't remember. It was made really elaborately, and this was the best item in the archives. When you talk about "The Road to War", there's nothing to be proud of from the U.S. side.
archives 記録[公文書]保管所, 文書館
deception だますこと, 詐欺行為
hypocrisy 偽善, 偽善行為
deceit だますこと, うそ, 欺き, 詐欺
Chiang Chung-Cheng 蒋介石
アメリカの鏡 日本
この建物の展示は真珠湾攻撃の時代の社会状況の説明から始まっていた。日本がシナを侵略していて更にアメリカへもその矛先を向けたという流れだ。しかし、日本はアメリカがかつてやってきたことと同じことをしていただけだ。(Mirror of Americans: Japan)ハワイがなぜアメリカ領土となったのか、彼らは忘れたのだろうか?
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