We were scheduled to move to Rome by bus on Nov.18th. It would be fun to see the scenes of rural area of Tuscany and Lazio through the bus window. Just before the departure from Nilhotel in Florence, I saw a hotel staff member elaborately sweeping the entrance with something that we, Japanese, were familiar with. It was a broom of Japanese make. My daughter took a snap of me and the staff member when I asked him whether he knew the country of origin or not. He knew it and told me that it was very handy with a shy smile. Most members of my tour were looking at us at that time.
After 10 minutes' drive in the busy street, the bus entered onto the highway. Though there were signboards to and fro displaying where we were, I couldn't call to mind the detailed map of Tuscany and Lazio and decided to connect my smartphone with the Internet via the roaming service. It would cost $30 per day, but I couldn't resist the temptation of convenience. I enjoyed the scenery outside the bus seeing the present location mark moving on the map appearing on my smartphone.
I'll upload the route map of this day and you'll notice that the bus left the highway one time on the way to Rome. We dropped in at a souvenir shop and I bought a scarf for my own use. It featured AC Milan, one of the most popular soccer clubs in Italy. I liked the design and bought it. The other day after returning to Japan, it was anounced that Mr. Keisuke Honda, a Japanese professional soccer player, would transfer to AC Milan from a Russian club in a few months. As a result, my scarf became the latest popular fashion. I wear the scarf almost every day in December when I'm writing this entry.
Route Map: Florence --- Vatican
Tuscany トスカーナ州(州都フィレンツェ)
Lazio イタリアの中央部にある州。ローマ首都圏として商工業が発展する一方、果樹栽培なども盛ん。
make (製品の) 製造元メーカー, …製
What make is your car? あなたの車はどこ製ですか.
make of
one of the most popular makes of cell phone 一、二を争う人気の携帯電話メーカー
country of origin 原産国
call to mind sth (フォーマル) <…>を思い出させる; <…>を思い出す
the latest popular fashions 最新流行ファッション

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